张薇 Wei Zhang




2017.09 — 2021.07        香港理工大学        博士

2019.08 — 2021.07        麻省理工学院        访问博士生

Education Background

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University                  2017.09 — 2021.07 

Degree: PhD in Transportation & Logistics            Hong Kong, China

Massachusetts Institute of Technology               2019.08 — 2021.07

Position: Visiting PhD Student                              Cambridge, United States

2021.07 — 2023.11        香港理工大学        助理教授/博士生导师

Academic Positions

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University                  2021.07 — 2023.11

Position: Assistant Professor


Research Interests

Intelligent transportation and logistics; Urban logistics and vehicle routing; On-demand and sharing mobility; Multi-modal transportation.

Large-scale optimization; Stochastic optimization; Online optimization.

Professional Service

Editorial board member of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 

Academic Awards

2023 INFORMS Harvey J. Greenberg Research Award

Published/Accepted Papers

[1] Zhang, W., Liu, J., Wang, K., & Wang, L. (2024). Routing and charging optimization for electric bus operations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 181, 103372.

[2] Zhao, Y., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Sun, H., & Wang, L. (2024). An efficient pavement distress detection scheme through drone–ground vehicle coordination. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 180, 103949.

[3] Zhang, W., Jacquillat, A., Wang, K., & Wang, S. (2023). Routing optimization with vehicle-customer coordination. Management Science, 69(11): 6417-7150.

[4] Zhang, W., Wang, K., Jacquillat, A., & Wang, S. (2023). Optimized scenario reduction: Solving large-scale stochastic programs with quality guarantees. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35(4): 886-908.

[5] Chen, X., Zhang, W., Guo, X., Liu, Z., & Wang, S. (2021). An improved learning-and-optimization train fare design method for addressing commuting congestion at CBD stations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 153, 102427.

[6] Zhen, L., Sun, Q., Zhang, W., Wang, K., & Yi, W. (2021). Column generation for low carbon berth allocation under uncertainty. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(10), 2225-2240.

[7] Zhang, W., Wang, K., Wang, S., & Laporte, G. (2020). Clustered coverage orienteering problem of unmanned surface vehicles for water sampling. Naval Research Logistics, 67(5), 353-367.

[8] Zhen, L., Ma, C., Wang, K., Xiao, L., & Zhang, W. (2020). Multi-depot multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows and release dates. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 135, 101866.

[9] Wang, S., Zhang, W., Bie, Y., Wang, K., & Diabat, A. (2019). Mixed-integer second-order cone programming model for bus route clustering problem. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 102, 351-369.

[10] Wang, S., Zhang, W., & Qu, X. (2018). Trial-and-error train fare design scheme for addressing boarding/alighting congestion at CBD stations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 118, 318-335.